Monday, 9 February 2009

Gout Uric Acid Arthritis

Gout arthritis is condition that accumulation of uric acid crystal in tissues of the body. Gout uric acid arthritis is characterized by an overload of uric acid in the body and recurring attacks of joint inflammation (arthritis). Chronic gout arthritis can lead to deposits of hard lumps of uric acid in and around the joints, decreased kidney function, and kidney stones.

Uric acid is formed in the bloodstream when the body breaks down waste products, mainly those containing purines. purines can be produced naturally by the body, and they can be ingested from such high-purines foods as meat. Normally, the kidneys filter gout uric acid particles out of the blood and excrete it into the urine.

An abnormality in handling gout uric acid can cause attacks of painful arthritis (gout attack), kidney stones, and blockage of the kidney filtering tubules with uric acid crystals, leading to kidney failure.

A recent study indicates that only meat and fish purines are significant in gout attack, and eating dairy food can reduce the risks of gout arthritis. Here listing of foods high purines as triggers of gout arthritis attack.

The big toe is the most common gout arthritis symptoms. Other joints affected include the ankles, insteap, heel, foot, hand, knees, wrists, fingers, and elbows. The most common gout uric acid are characterized by a rapid onset of pain in the affected joint followed by warmth, gout swelling, reddish discoloration, and marked tenderness, fever. People usually have gout attack - it may affect you for a period of time and then go away eventually, even without treatment.

Deposits of gout uric acid, called tophi, tophi is the specific gout symptoms, can appear as lumps under the skin around the joints and at the rim of the ear. In addition, uric acid crystals can also collect in the kidneys and cause kidney stones. kidney stone is common complication disease of gout uric acid arthritis. Patients can develop fever with the acute gout attack. The painful bouts of gout symptoms are caused by too much gout uric acid (a waste product of the kidneys), which forms crystals in the joint fluid.

Without treatment, gout arthritis symptoms would be decrease usually lasts up to about two weeks. With treatment, gout arthritis symptoms can be reduced about two to seven days. Left untreated, gout attack may become more frequent and last longer.

Gout risk factor

Avoid and stop some of your bad habits, its become your gout uric acid arthritis uncontrolled. Drinking alcohol can cause triggers of gout attack Make your life full color and happy with gout arthritis, find here gout risk factor

urines,All we know that over produce and consume foods high purines as a trigger of gout attack. Very important to know listing foods high purines in daily meal, avoid the gout arthritis triggers, and prevent painful cause recurrent gout uric acid in next time.

Gout treatment

The symptoms of gout arthritis will stop completely a week or so after an acute gout attack without any intervention. It is important, however, to be diagnosed and treated by a health care practitioner in order to avoid gout arthritis attack of increasing severity in the future and to prevent permanent damage to the joints, kidneys, and other organs. During an acute gout arthritis attack, acute gout treatment should focus on relieving gout uric acid pain, warm and inflammation. On an ongoing basis, the focus is on maintaining normal uric acid levels, repairing tissue damage, and promoting tissue healing. NSAID and drugs to control producing uric acid are good choice for acute gout treatment.

Gout diets

Generally, gout arthritis is unheard of in vegetarians. It is a condition that responds favorably to improvements in diet and nutrition. Recurrent gout arthritis attack can be avoided by maintaining a healthy weight and limiting the intake of purines rich foods. Gout diets high in fiber and low in fat is also recommended.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have osteoarthris in one knee but recently had a flare up in the other, which I suspect was pseudo-gout. This apparently affects post-menopausal women and particularly those who are taking diuretics. Both of these criteria apply to me. Check out my blog on to find out how I am battling arthritis.

VOA News: Health