Saturday, 14 March 2009

Raw Food Health Solutions For Arthritis

The Link Between Raw Foods and Arthritis

Do you suffer from the aches and pains of arthritis? Arthritis is used to refer to numerous rheumatism ailments which symptoms include: pain, stiffness and swelling in the joints, although other parts of the body can be affected as well. Internal organs, muscles, ligaments and tendons are other parts of the body within the illnesses reach.

Arthritis is not to be taken lightly. According to some statistics, arthritis is now second only to heart disease as a leading cause of work disability. According to, the disease affected 46 million Americans in 2006.

There are two forms of arthritis that are dreaded for causing so much pain to their victims. These are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. The former is the more common type that is prevalent among older people. It affects the cartilage, that spongy tissue between two bones that is responsible for shock absorption. The bones rub against each other and this is what causes swelling and pain. Some shards of bones may break off in the long run, lodging themselves inside the joint space, and thereby causing more pain. The latter type of arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, affects other body parts, but will still cause inflammation in the joints and a general feeling of fatigue. The symptoms appear in a symmetric manner, which means that if one joint is affected, the other corresponding joint will be affected too.

What Causes Arthritis?

There are several factors that may contribute to arthritis development, and these may include:

1. Age - Cartilage wears out with age and it becomes harder for it to be replaced naturally. Thus as people become older they also become more susceptible to arthritis.

2. Weight - The more pressure applied to knee and hip joints by accounts of body mass, the faster the cartilage is likely to wear out.

3. Other ailments or infections - Individuals who have suffered a joint infection like gout may later develop arthritis in that joint.

4. Daily occupation - Some types of occupations seem to carry inherently higher risk of developing arthritis than others. And these are those that typically involve a lot of lifting of heavy materials especially in heavy construction industry.

5. Genetics - It is possible that there can be genetic variations that contribute to higher incidences of arthritis development though the exact contribution of the genes to the disease development is not exactly clear.

How Can I Prevent Arthritis?

Some of the causes outlined above may themselves help in identifying the correct measures that can be taken to prevent arthritis. Some of these measures may apply before as a preventative measure and after as an ameliorating measure. These measures include:

1. Reducing weight

2. Simple exercises regularly

3. Massage

Unleash the Power of Raw Foods to Help with Arthritis

These raw foods have been very powerful at reducing the effects of arthritis on your body:

* Oranges

* Lemons

* Strawberries

* Tomatoes

* Bell peppers

* Kiwifruit

* Sweet red peppers

* Papapaya

* Guava

* Dalanghita

* Anonas

* Kasuy

You also need calcium rich food, but don't reach out for that glass of milk yet. Instead reach out for spinach, collard greens, and broccoli they are great source of calcium. Vitamin B rich food is also recommended, and this would include delicacies such as cauliflower.

Vitamins and any antioxidants can really you with your Arthritis as they decrease the damage to the joints, thus reducing the pain. Organic vegetables grown in your own garden can also inspire you to consume more raw foods. Give it a try!

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